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Paint and Brush









The path we take toward the future must be paved with sustainable business practices if we are to assure the long-term success of our endeavors.  Using the latest technologies, many of which have been developed by CreaFill, we achieve the objective of consistency through effective process control, and the expertise, care and diligence of our experienced staff.


CreaFill provides industrial products capable of meeting the most critical requirements from our lower cost functional fibers, the CreaMix product range, through our highly pure specialized fibers and powders, the CreaTech range of products. Across a myriad of applications CreaFill’s Fibers improve product formulation and product performance.

General Benefits of CreaFill Fibers








Cellulose was identified in 1838 by the French chemist Anselm Payen and was used to produce the first successful Thermoplastic Polymer, celluloid, in 1870. Today, Cellulose continues to be an important component in a growing number of industrial applications.



Because of their low density, only small percentages of our fibers are generally required to achieve benefits in aesthetics and performance characteristics. CreaFill Fibers improve dimensional stability, deliver the desired rheological effects, viscosity, shear thinning, textural requirements and, are non-hazardous. 



The addition of CreaFill Fibers can directly increase ability to modify and control the viscosity of a formulation.


Crack Resistance

CreaFill Fibers will impart significant crack resistance and finished products can acquire a "nail able" quality when a sufficient amount of our fibers is added to a formulation.



CreaFill Fibers can be used to modify the finish, smooth or textured, depending upon the fiber length and amount used in an application.



CreaFill Fibers can be used in paints and coatings to provide film strength and bridging strength.



CreaFill adheres to the highest quality control practices and is ISO 9001/200 certified:

Our Quality management System meets the highest industry standards and ensures that we deliver a dependable product, assuring consistency and thus superior performance.  CreaFill Fibers is Committed to Quality and we have developed very strict specifications for our fibers, testing for quality throughout the manufacturing process.


Every finished lot is tested for all critical properties and characteristics and a Certificate of Analysis is issued to assure our adherence to quality standards and total customer satisfaction.



We are all faced with rising costs which never seem to come back down. With steady cost increases and budgetary limitations businesses are always scrambling to find ways to mitigate operating and capital expenses. One useful tool they are all discovering is sustainability, of raw materials, methods and practices and efficient use of newly identified, lower cost products.


Cellulose is a renewable and sustainable resource with great promise for future development in industrial

applications as an environmentally preferable resource.


The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools for achieving “LEED” certification.


The use of CreaFill Cellulose Fiber products offers a range of benefits which enhance and protect ecosystems and biodiversity, improve air and water quality, reduce solid waste and conserve natural resources.


For over ten years, CreaFill has been producing the CreaMix product range of fibers from reclaimed magazine, newspaper, office and kraft stock. CreaFill UPCYCLES these papers into carefully milled and refined functional fillers for the wide range of building and other applications.


All of our CreaTech, high alpha-cellulose products are derived from Forestry Stewardship Council approved, Elemental Chlorine Free pulps. CreaFill provides fibers which may serve a range of purposes from fillers to enhancers, always exhibiting properties and characteristics required to meet a manufacturer's requirements in a range of industrial applications:















CreaFill fibers are used in a range of:

  • Thermoplastics composites

  • Rubber

  • Roof coatings

  • Stucco

  • Adhesives

  • Textured coatings

  • Cement coatings

  • Putties

  • Mastics

  • Industrial coatings

  • Caulks

  • Sealants

  • and many more





CreaFill Fibers
Environmental Stewardship


Cellulose fibers offer numerous benefits that enhance the performance and durability of adhesives. Firstly, cellulose fibers act as reinforcing agents, increasing the strength and toughness of adhesives. They provide excellent bonding properties by forming a network structure within the adhesive matrix, improving its mechanical properties and resistance to stress.

Secondly, cellulose fibers contribute to improved viscosity control in adhesives. They can effectively modify the rheological behavior of adhesives, allowing for better application and spreading on different surfaces. This ensures uniform coverage and enhances adhesive performance.

Third, cellulose fibers are environmentally friendly. Being derived from renewable resources such as wood pulp or pure cellulose fibers.  They are biodegradable and do not pose a threat to ecosystems when disposed of properly.

Fourth, cellulose fibers enhance moisture resistance in adhesives. Their hydrophilic nature allows them to absorb water molecules present in the environment or substrates. This prevents adhesive failure caused by moisture-related issues like swelling or delamination.

Customer Goal

Create a significant advantage in adhesive formulations using a small amount of fibers at little cost.  Have reinforcement capabilities that improves strength and toughness while also providing viscosity control and moisture resistance without solvents.  Be eco-friendly in nature when formulating a sustainable water based adhesive formulation.

Fiber X Pro Answer

Improve adhesive formulations; acrylic, butyl, epoxy, latex, solvent, water or 100% solids system; Stabilize viscosity, increase tensile strength, add lightweight bulk and improve sag control; ensure a consistent product of unparalleled quality and consistency.  CreaFill fibers are available in a wide range of fiber lengths and diameters. Various grades of cellulose fibers can be used depended upon your add mix.  Overall, the addition of cellulose fibers will Improve adhesive formulations; acrylic, butyl, epoxy, latex, solvent, water or 100% solids system; Stabilize viscosity, increase tensile strength, add lightweight bulk and improve sag control; ensure a consistent product of unparalleled quality and consistency.  CreaFill fibers are available in a wide range of fiber lengths and diameters.  If additional adhesion is needed, Fusion a natural based fiber can be used.  Please contact me.


The benefits of cellulose fibers in caulk are numerous.  Firstly, cellulose fibers enhance the strength and durability of caulk. These fibers reinforce the structure of the material, making it less prone to cracking or breaking under pressure. This ensures a longer lifespan for caulked areas.

Secondly, cellulose fibers improve the adhesion properties of caulk. By adding these fibers to the formula, caulk can adhere better to different surfaces such as wood, concrete, or metal. This results in a more effective seal that prevents air and moisture infiltration.  If more adhesion properties are required Fusion a fiber-based product can be used.


Third, cellulose fibers contribute to the eco-friendliness of caulk. Being derived from renewable plant sources, they are biodegradable and do not harm the environment like synthetic alternatives.

Customer Goal

The addition of cellulose fibers into caulk that provides increased strength and durability, improved adhesion properties, and environmental sustainability. The benefits of make cellulose fiber-infused caulks an excellent choice for sealing purposes in construction and other industries.

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill has both gray and pure cellulose fibers.  If the caulk is gray in color, we recommend CreaMix TC 2004, TC 1004/5, TC 204 or TC 207. If the caulk needs to be white and you may add color to it, we recommend CreaFill CreaTech grade of fibers.  An alternative to cellulose fibers is Fusion  If additional binding and adhesion is needed Fusion a fiber base can be used.


Cellulose fiber when added to cement enhances the overall performance and durability of concrete structures. One significant advantage is their ability to improve crack resistance. The fibers act as reinforcement, reducing shrinkage and preventing cracks from propagating.


Additionally, cellulose fibers increase the flexural strength of cement, making it more resistant to bending forces. This property is particularly beneficial in earthquake-prone areas where structures need to withstand lateral movements. Moreover, cellulose fiber enhances workability and reduces water absorption in cement mixtures, resulting in improved cohesion and reduced permeability. Consequently, this leads to increased resistance against moisture-related damage such as freeze-thaw cycles or chemical attacks.

Another advantage of incorporating cellulose fiber into cement is its positive impact on sustainability. As a renewable material sourced from plants like wood or bamboo, cellulose fibers contribute to reducing carbon emissions compared to traditional alternatives like steel or synthetic fibers. Furthermore, these natural fibers are biodegradable and do not release harmful substances into the environment during decomposition.


The use of cellulose fiber also provides economic benefits for the construction industry. Due to their lightweight nature and easy handling characteristics, these fibers can be easily mixed with cement on-site without requiring specialized equipment or additional labor costs. Moreover, their availability at a relatively low cost makes them an attractive alternative for reinforcing concrete structures.

Customer Goal

Seek to enhance the concrete performance.  Improve crack resistance and flexural strength ensures long-lasting structures capable of withstanding various external forces such as earthquakes or moisture-related damage. Be eco-friendly and sustainable in nature that contributes positively towards reducing carbon emissions while providing economic benefits due to its affordability and ease of use on construction sites.

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill has both gray and pure cellulose fibers.  Since the color of the cement is gray in color, we recommend CreaMix TC 2004, TC 1004/5, TC 204 or TC 207.  If you are looking to retain/manage water in the cement and do not want to wait for the cement set before working it, Fusion a fiber base can be used.  It holds and releases the water so finishing can start as soon as the cement is poured.




Cellulose fibers when incorporated into epoxies the mechanical properties and overall performance of the material is improved.

One significant advantage of cellulose fiber in epoxies is its ability to improve tensile strength. The fibers act as reinforcement, increasing the material's resistance to stretching and pulling forces. This makes it ideal for applications where high strength is required, such as in construction or automotive industries.

Furthermore, cellulose fiber also enhances the impact resistance of epoxies. The fibers distribute stress more evenly throughout the material, reducing the likelihood of cracks or fractures upon impact. This property is particularly valuable in manufacturing processes that involve heavy machinery or transportation systems.


Moreover, cellulose fiber improves dimensional stability by minimizing shrinkage and expansion rates in epoxies. This ensures that the material retains its shape and size over time, making it suitable for long-term applications.


Customer Goal

An increase in tensile strength, improved impact resistance, and enhanced dimensional stability. Seek an additive that when a small amount is added there is significant benefits as increased durable and reliable materials for their products.


Fiber X Pro Answer

Rather it is a one- or two-part epoxy, CreaFill Fibers are an economical, low density material which can act as a filler while also adding measurable structural reinforcement.  Please contact use to help you find the right grade of cellulose fiber.  CreaFill Fibers are an economical, low density material which can act as a filler while also adding measurable structural reinforcement.

Grout and Tile

Cellulose fiber has gained significant attention in the construction industry as an additive in grout and its many benefits. Firstly, cellulose fiber enhances the overall strength and durability of grout. When added to the mixture, it forms a three-dimensional network that reinforces the structure. This reinforcement prevents cracking and improves load-bearing capacity, making it ideal for high-stress areas such as bridges or buildings.

Moreover, cellulose fiber acts as a binding agent by improving cohesion between particles within the grout matrix. This results in reduced shrinkage and increased resistance to water penetration. Consequently, structures fortified with cellulose-fiber-infused grout exhibit enhanced longevity and reduced maintenance costs.

Furthermore, cellulose fiber aids in controlling thermal expansion and contraction within concrete structures. By absorbing moisture during humid conditions and releasing it during dry periods, it minimizes the risk of cracks caused by temperature fluctuations. This property is particularly advantageous in regions with extreme weather conditions.

Additionally, cellulose fiber contributes to sustainable construction practices. As a renewable resource its use reduces reliance on non-renewable materials traditionally used in grouts such as fiberglass or synthetic fibers. By incorporating cellulose fibers into grout formulations, builders can contribute to reducing their carbon footprint while maintaining structural integrity.

Furthermore, working with cellulose-fiber-infused grouts is more convenient for construction workers due to its improved workability compared to conventional mixtures. The fibers act as a lubricant during mixing processes while enhancing flowability without compromising strength characteristics.


Customer Goal

A grout that has an ability to enhance strength and durability while reducing shrinkage makes it an invaluable addition for critical structures. Need the grout to be thermal stability and sustainability contribute to long-term cost savings and environmental preservation.


Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill CreaMix TC 2004, TC 104/5, TC 204 and TC 207 offers a range of options to provide performance options.  A small addition of fiber help to control viscosity, improve and extend curing, and extend “working” time while adding strength properties through the formation of reinforcing matrices.




Mastics are commonly used as sealants and adhesives due to their ability to bond different materials together effectively. The inclusion of cellulose fiber in mastics enhances their performance and durability.  Firstly, cellulose fiber improves the tensile strength of mastics, making them more resistant to tearing or cracking under stress. This ensures a longer lifespan for the applied sealant or adhesive.   Additionally, cellulose fiber acts as a reinforcement agent, increasing the overall stability and cohesion of the mastic.


Second, cellulose fiber provides excellent water resistance properties to mastics. It forms a protective barrier that prevents moisture penetration, reducing the risk of damage caused by water infiltration. This is particularly beneficial in applications where exposure to moisture is common, such as bathroom or outdoor sealing.


Third, cellulose fiber enhances the workability of mastics during application. It improves their spreadability and reduces sagging or slumping when applied vertically or overhead. This allows for easier installation and ensures a more uniform coverage.


Customer Goal

There is a need for increased tensile strength, improved water resistance, and enhanced workability.  A high-quality mastic that provides long-lasting sealing and bonding solutions across various industries.

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill CreaMix TC 2004, TC 104/5, TC 204 and TC 207 are gray fibers.  The CreaTech TC 40, TC 90, TC 150 and TC 200 are white fibers.  Both offers a range of options to provide performance options.  A small addition of fiber help to control viscosity, improve and extend curing, and extend “working” time while adding strength properties through the formation of reinforcing matrices.  If additional viscosity, workability and tighter adhesion is needed Fusion may be a solution.


Cellulose fiber addition to paint formulations offers several advantages.  First, cellulose fiber acts as a thickening agent, enhancing the viscosity of the paint. This allows for better control during application and prevents drips or runs on vertical surfaces. Moreover, it improves the overall texture and consistency of the paint, resulting in a smoother finish.

Second, cellulose fiber enhances the durability and strength of paint films. It reinforces the coating by forming a network within it, thereby increasing its resistance to cracking and peeling. This makes paints with cellulose fiber ideal for high-traffic areas or exterior applications where weathering is a concern.

Third, cellulose fiber provides excellent adhesion properties to paints. It promotes better bonding between the coating and various substrates such as wood or metal surfaces. This ensures that the paint adheres firmly and lasts longer without chipping or flaking.


Additionally, cellulose fiber contributes to improved color retention in paints. It helps prevent fading caused by exposure to sunlight or other environmental factors by acting as a UV stabilizer. This ensures that painted surfaces maintain their vibrant colors over an extended period.


Last, cellulose fiber is an environmentally friendly option for paint manufacturers. As a renewable resource obtained from plants like cotton or wood pulp, it reduces reliance on non-renewable resources while also reducing carbon emissions associated with traditional synthetic additives.


Customer Goal

There is a need to improved viscosity control during application, enhanced durability and adhesion properties, superior color retention capabilities, and environmental sustainability. Need for a natural ingredient that provides the consumers with high-quality finishes while minimizing negative impacts on both human health and our planet's well-being.


Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill offers a wide selection of pure and recycled fibers for paint.  A small addition of fiber help to control viscosity, improve and extend curing, and extend “working” time while adding strength properties through the formation of reinforcing matrices.  Fusion a natural product improves the adhesion, viscosity, suspension of solids and improves open time. 

CreaFill Fibers will provide structural reinforcement, improve rheology and the control of viscosity. Our fibers can be used as an extender to reduce the use of more expensive methylcellulose.  The fibers are carefully selected for fiber length and width, may be used to modify the surface aesthetics and can be used to create a matte like, non-skid surface in flooring applications. 


Cellulose fiber wood putty is a versatile and beneficial product that has been used for decades in the woodworking industry. Made from a combination of cellulose fibers and a binding agent, this putty offers numerous advantages over traditional wood fillers.

One of the key benefits of cellulose fiber wood putty is its superior strength and durability. It can withstand heavy loads and resist cracking or shrinking, making it ideal for repairing deep holes or damaged wooden surfaces. Additionally, this putty has excellent adhesive properties, ensuring a strong bond with the surrounding wood.

Another advantage of cellulose fiber wood putty is its ease of use. It can be easily molded into any shape or size, allowing for seamless repairs on various wooden structures. Its smooth texture also makes it effortless to sand and paint over, resulting in a flawless finish.

Furthermore, cellulose fiber wood putty is an environmentally friendly choice. It is made from renewable resources like recycled paper and sawdust, reducing the demand for virgin materials. This sustainable approach contributes to the preservation of our forests and helps combat deforestation.

Customer Goal

Customer need with the addition of cellulose fiber strength, durability, ease of use, and eco-friendly nature set it apart from other fillers on the market. Whether you are a professional carpenter or a DIY enthusiast, incorporating this versatile product into your toolbox will undoubtedly enhance your woodworking experience.

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill CreaMix TC 2004, TC 104/5, TC 204 and TC 207 offers a range of options to provide performance options.  A small addition of fiber help to control viscosity, improve and extend curing, and extend “working” time while adding strength properties through the formation of reinforcing matrices.  If there is a concern of mud cracking with the putty a small addition of Fusion will reduce cracking.


Cellulose fiber when added to rubber has numerous benefits when used in rubber production. First, cellulose fiber enhances the mechanical properties of rubber, increasing its strength and durability. This makes it ideal for applications where high performance is required, such as in tires or industrial belts. Additionally, cellulose fiber improves the thermal stability of rubber, allowing it to withstand higher temperatures without degrading. Furthermore, cellulose fiber acts as a reinforcing agent in rubber compounds, reducing the amount of synthetic fillers needed and making the final product more eco-friendly.

Customer Goal

Need to improve performance, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill Fibers can deliver reinforcement and stiffness and are ideal for use in the production of rubber hoses, belts, gasket and molded rubber products, when required and at appropriate dosing levels.  Our fibers will impart improved green strength in unvulcanized sheeting materials at low dosing levels. Absorbing moisture during vulcanization the use of CreaFill fibers will reduce shrinkage during cooling, following vulcanization.


Sealants are substances used to fill gaps or cracks, providing a protective barrier against moisture, air, and other external elements. The inclusion of cellulose fiber in sealants offers several significant advantages.

First, cellulose fiber enhances the structural integrity of sealants. Its fibrous nature provides reinforcement and increases the overall strength of the sealant material. This added strength ensures that the sealant remains intact even under extreme conditions, such as high temperatures or heavy loads.

Second, cellulose fiber acts as an excellent filler in sealants. Due to its fine particles and high surface area, it can effectively fill gaps and irregularities on surfaces. This property is particularly beneficial when sealing joints or cracks where a smooth finish is desired.

Third, cellulose fiber exhibits exceptional water-absorbing capabilities. When incorporated into sealants, it absorbs excess moisture present on surfaces before curing. This prevents premature failure due to inadequate adhesion caused by trapped moisture.

In addition to its physical properties, cellulose fiber also offers environmental advantages when used in sealants. Being a natural material derived from plants like wood or cotton waste products, it is biodegradable and does not contribute to pollution or waste accumulation.

Cellulose fibers are sustainable resources that can be easily sourced and replenished without causing harm to the environment. Unlike synthetic fibers commonly used in sealants which require extensive energy consumption during manufacturing processes.

The use of cellulose fiber in sealants also contributes to improved indoor air quality (IAQ). Synthetic fibers often release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air during application and curing processes which can be harmful when breathed in by occupants. Cellulose fibers do not emit VOCs, making them a safer and healthier option for both workers and inhabitants.

Last, the incorporation of cellulose fiber in sealants can also enhance their fire resistance properties. Cellulose fibers have inherent flame-retardant characteristics, which can help prevent the spread of fire in case of an accident or emergency situation.

Customer Goal

There is a need to reinforce, fill gaps, absorb moisture, and contribute to sustainability.  Have a positive impact on IAQ and fire resistance and an alternative to expensive synthetic fibers.  Need for an eco-friendly solution that enhanced performance.

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill CreaMix TC 2004, TC 104/5, TC 204 and TC 207 are gray fibers.  The CreaTech TC 40, TC 90, TC 150 and TC 200 are white fibers.  Depending on the desired color both offers a range of options to provide performance options.  A small addition of fiber help to control viscosity, improve and extend curing, and extend “working” time while adding strength properties through the formation of reinforcing matrices.  If additional viscosity, workability and tighter adhesion is needed Fusion may be a solution.


Stucco, a popular exterior finish for buildings, provides durability and aesthetic appeal. By incorporating cellulose fiber into the stucco mix, several advantages are achieved.  First, cellulose fiber enhances the strength and crack resistance of stucco. The fibers act as reinforcement, preventing cracks from forming and spreading due to temperature changes or settling of the building. This results in a longer-lasting and more durable finish.

Second, cellulose fiber improves the workability of stucco during application. The fibers create a smoother consistency, making it easier for contractors to spread and shape the material on walls or other surfaces. This saves time and effort during construction.

Furthermore, cellulose fiber enhances the insulation properties of stucco. The fibers create air pockets within the mixture, which helps to regulate temperature inside buildings by reducing heat transfer through walls. This leads to energy savings and increased comfort for occupants.

Additionally, cellulose fiber is an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic materials commonly used in stucco mixes. Being derived from plant sources such as wood or recycled paper products, it reduces reliance on non-renewable resources while minimizing waste generation.

Customer Goal

Stucco needs to improved strength and crack resistance, enhanced workability during application, better insulation properties, and environmental sustainability.  

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill CreaMix TC 2004, TC 104/5, TC 204 and TC 207 because they are gray in color offers a range of options to provide performance options and a lower cost.  A small addition of fiber help to control viscosity, improve and extend curing, and extend “working” time while adding strength properties through the formation of reinforcing matrices.  If there is a concern with too much water, wanting to improve rheology and to increase workability a small addition of Fusion will enhance performance.

CreaFill Fibers will reinforce wall coating, extend working time, prevent cracking, control sag and slump and eliminate pin holes. 

It has been recognized that when small quantities of cellulose fibers are added to stucco, there is a dramatic improvement in the stucco’s performance. 

After adding cellulose to typical stucco mixes at a ratio of 1 part cellulose fibers to 100 parts cement, by weight, researchers have found improvements in a variety of characteristics, including ductility, flexural strength, bond strength, abrasion resistance, durability, and resistance to cracking and impact. Unlike synthetic fibers cellulose fibers are invisible, even when used in the finish coat. 



Textured Coatings

Cellulose fibers in the realm of textured coatings, proves to be an invaluable ingredient. Its benefits extend beyond mere aesthetics, offering enhanced durability and sustainability.  First, cellulose fiber significantly improves the strength and resilience of textured coatings. When incorporated into paint or plaster, it reinforces the material's structure, reducing cracking and peeling over time. This ensures that the coating retains its original texture and appearance for longer periods.

Second, cellulose fiber acts as a natural binder in textured coatings. It forms a cohesive network within the material, enhancing adhesion to various surfaces such as concrete or wood. This results in a more robust bond between the coating and substrate, minimizing the risk of delamination or detachment.

Third, cellulose fiber contributes to the eco-friendliness of textured coatings. As a renewable resource obtained from plants like hemp or flax, it offers a sustainable alternative to synthetic fibers derived from fossil fuels. By opting for cellulose-based coatings, we reduce our dependence on non-renewable resources while promoting environmental stewardship.

Furthermore, cellulose fiber aids in regulating moisture within textured coatings. Its hygroscopic capillary action that allows it to absorb excess moisture from the environment when conditions are humid and release it when conditions are dry. This helps prevent issues such as mold growth or warping caused by moisture imbalances.


Last, cellulose fiber enhances workability during application of textured coatings. Its fine particles create a smoother consistency that is easier to spread evenly onto surfaces with brushes or rollers. This ensures uniform coverage and reduces effort required during application.


Customer Goal

Customer needs the textured coating to improved workability durability, adhesion and to be sustainable.

Fiber X Pro Answer

Depending on the grade of texture several options are available.  From small to medium texture CreaFill offers CreaMix TC 2004 and TC 1004/5.  For more texture we offer raw wood fibers.

Thermoplastic and Thermoset Applications 

Cellulose fiber in thermoplastic and thermoset materials has numerous benefits.  One of the key advantages of incorporating cellulose fiber into these applications is its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. The high tensile strength of cellulose fibers enhances the overall mechanical properties of thermoplastic and thermoset materials, making them more durable and resistant to deformation. This property is particularly valuable in industries such as automotive manufacturing, where lightweight yet robust components are crucial.

Furthermore, cellulose fiber acts as a reinforcement agent by improving dimensional stability and reducing shrinkage during processing. This results in enhanced product quality and reduced waste in production processes. Additionally, cellulose fibers contribute to improved thermal insulation properties, making them ideal for applications requiring temperature resistance.

Moreover, the use of cellulose fiber in thermoplastic and thermoset materials offers environmental benefits. Being derived from renewable sources such as wood pulp or agricultural waste, it provides a sustainable alternative to synthetic fibers that are derived from fossil fuels. Cellulose fibers also have low carbon emissions during their production process compared to other reinforcing agents like glass or carbon fibers.

Customer Goal

Use cellulose fiber in thermoplastic and thermoset applications to increased strength-to-weight ratio, improved dimensional stability, enhanced thermal insulation properties, and environmental sustainability. 

Fiber X Pro Answer

Thermoplastic/cellulosic composites consist of CreaFill fibers blended with polymers - PVC, polypropylene, HDPE, Nylon and Nylon 6 and the full range of polymers. The low density, relatively low cost, non-abrasive nature of our fibers coupled with the physical and mechanical properties provided through the function of “matrix building” make them an outstanding choice as a reinforcement in the full range of “plastic” composites. 

Tile Adhesive

Cellulose fiber when used in tile grout offers significant advantages. First, cellulose fiber enhances the overall strength and durability of the grout, making it less prone to cracking or crumbling over time. This added stability ensures that the tiles remain securely in place for longer periods.

Second, cellulose fiber acts as a binder, improving the cohesion between grout particles and enhancing its adhesive properties. Consequently, this reduces the risk of water seepage and mold formation between tiles.

Additionally, cellulose fiber's ability to absorb moisture helps regulate humidity levels within the grout, preventing excessive drying or swelling that can lead to structural damage. Furthermore, this natural material is environmentally friendly since it is biodegradable and renewable. Its incorporation into tile grout reduces reliance on synthetic alternatives that may harm ecosystems during production or disposal processes.

Lastly, cellulose fiber provides thermal insulation properties to tile adhesive by reducing heat transfer through walls or floors. This feature contributes to energy efficiency by maintaining comfortable temperatures indoors while reducing heating or cooling costs.

Customer Goal

The desire to reinforcement of the tile adhesive and improve durability while minimizing maintenance requirements over time. The adhesive strength must be strong to prevents water damage and mold growth between tiles while ensuring long-lasting aesthetics in residential or commercial spaces.  There is a need to be eco-friendly that aligns with growing environmental concerns by reducing carbon footprints associated with traditional synthetic materials used in construction applications.

Fiber X Pro Answer

CreaFill CreaMix TC 2004, TC 104/5, TC 204 and TC 207 because they are gray like grout in color offers a range of options to provide performance options and a lower cost.  A small addition of fiber help to control viscosity, improve and extend curing, and extend “working” time while adding strength properties through the formation of reinforcing matrices. 

Architects and builders are taking what was meant for flooring and going vertical on the wall.  Additional strength is required.  IF Fusion addition to the add mix can improve strength, workability and open time to enhance performance.

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